Thursday, March 13, 2008

Luka's First Month

Luka Odin Anderson

Luka turned one month old March 9! He now weighs in at 10.5 lbs. Oh My! Mama's milk is the nectar of the gods. It's been Mr. Toads wild ride as we navigate parenting 101 together learning our little guys needs and wants. Lots of patience, compassion and passing of the baton to relieve our frequent sore backs and tired bodies. We are all doing great though and getting back into the swing of things. Most common question: How is he sleeping?? Actually pretty darn well. We have our nights and our bouts but overall he nurses every 1.5-2 hrs and then falls back to sleep. And when mama is collapsing in the middle of the night, daddy takes over thank goodness!

He's so cute it was extremely difficult to pick out pictures:) All new parents dilemma we're sure, but we managed. Hope you all enjoy them as much as we did taking them!

We've had tremendous support while getting used to being parents. Thank you sooooo much to all in our community for the delicious meals, phone calls, and love you have sent our way. We couldn't have done it without you! Thank you to our families as well. Luka is one blessed little guy with grandparents who adore him and give so much of their hearts to him. Much GRATITUDE to all!!

song to song,

Wendee & Ethan